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Unsmoke Pilipinas


Our goal is to Unsmoke the Philippines

inspiring you or your loved ones to join the Unsmoke movement through our Smoke-Free Future Community.

Our goal is to Unsmoke the Philippines

Today, there are an estimated 1 billion smokers in the world, and 16 million smokers in the Philippines. The World Health Organization estimates there will be 1 billion smokers by 2025. While quitting cigarettes and nicotine altogether is the best choice, nine out of ten smokers will continue to smoke. At its core, Unsmoke is about making things better for adult smokers and those who love them – by providing access to credible, fact-based information about the dangers of smoking and science-backed alternatives to enable them to make better choices. Join the Smoke-Free movement today and help #UnsmokePilipinas.

Smoke-Free Future Community

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