We are all unsmokers.
Smokers and non-smokers.
United, we can rid smoke from our lives.
We are all unsmokers.
Smokers and non-smokers.
United, we can rid smoke from our lives.
"What does Unsmoke mean?
To unsmoke is to rid smoke from your life. It unites smokers and non-smokers alike who want to ‘unsmoke’ themselves, family and friends. The best way is to quit cigarettes and nicotine altogether, but the next best way is to change to better alternatives.

Everyone knows smoking causes lung cancer and other smoking-related diseases. Yet 16 million adult Filipinos still smoke, and the World Health Organization estimates that there will still be more than 1 billion smokers worldwide in 2025.
But we can change that. We will change that. We will Unsmoke the Philippines. Because it’s the smoke that’s the main problem, not the smokers. The best choice any smoker can make is to quit cigarettes and nicotine altogether. But smokers who would otherwise continue smoking should be given access to, and information about smoke-free alternatives.
It’s time for family, friends, and colleagues to come together. To inspire each other. To help each other.
Together we can Unsmoke Pilipinas.
Burning is the main problem
The production of the high number of harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke comes from burning—not the tobacco itself. The smoke from burning any plant will contain dozens of harmful or potentially harmful chemicals.
Removing the combustion process, should reduce the levels of many of those chemicals.
What is Nicotine?

Nicotine occurs naturally in tobacco leaves.
Along with factors such as taste and ritual, nicotine is one of the reasons people smoke. However, while addictive and not risk free, nicotine is not the main cause of smoking related disease.
Did you know?
[1] Based on the 2018 PMFTC-sponsored research conducted in 76 provinces across the Philippines, with sampling of 1,784 adult Filipino smokers.
[2] “How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease,” US Department of Health and Human Services Report from the Surgeon General (2010)
[3] Cummings, Nahhas, and Sweanor, “What is Accounting for the Rapid Decline in Cigarette Sales in Japan?,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2020)
[4] Based on the 2016 FACTASIA Survey on Philippine Adult Smokers